Post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and depression in post-COVID19 patients: integrative review


  • Marilúcia Carrijo Universidade Evangélica de Anápolis - UniEVANGÉLICA
  • Miriã Cãndida Oliveira
  • Aline C. Oliveira
  • Maria Eduarda Moreira Lino Universidade Evangélica de Goiás - UniEVANGÉLICA
  • Shayra K. A. Souza
  • João Pedro R. Afonso
  • Ricardo S. Moura
  • Daniela R. P. Fonseca
  • Adriano L. Fonseca
  • Renata S. R. Tomaz
  • Renata K. da Palma
  • Rodolfo P. Vieira
  • Sara S. Faria
  • Luís Vicente F. de Oliveira



Post-traumatic stress disorder, Anxiety, Depression, Fatigue, Sleep disorders, SARS-CoV-2


Background: Global estimates point to high prevalence of neuropsychiatric disorders in individuals hospitalized for COVID-19. In Brazil, anxiety and depression rates resulting from SARS-CoV-2 infection range from 29.7% to 68%, respectively, being more prevalent in young women, with lower educational level, with comorbidities and psychological problems. previous. Objective: Identify possible causes, verify prevalence and identify risk factors for anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in patients hospitalized for COVID-19. Methods: An integrative literature review was carried out involving retrospective and/or prospective cohort studies and population-based clinical trials published in the last three years. The main evidence on the relationship between neuropsychiatric disorders and intrinsic changes in neuroimmunomodulation parameters was also raised. Results: Twenty-one studies were included that addressed the presence of symptoms of PTSD, anxiety, depression, fatigue in sleep disorders in COVID19 survivors. Conclusion: With this literature review, it can be concluded that PTSD, anxiety, depression, fatigue and sleep disturbances are highly prevalent symptoms in COVID-19 survivors, being persistent for up to one-year post-infection.




2022-06-30 — Updated on 2022-07-04

How to Cite

Carrijo, M., Cãndida Oliveira, M., C. Oliveira, A., Eduarda Moreira Lino, M., K. A. Souza, S., R. Afonso, J. P., … F. de Oliveira, L. V. (2022). Post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and depression in post-COVID19 patients: integrative review. Manual Therapy, Posturology & Rehabilitation Journal, 20, 1–10.


