Is it possible to predict the physical function of lumbar disc herniation after aquatic exercises and Kotsuban Tyousei?

Functionality prediction in disc herniation




Intervertebral disc displacement, hydrotherapy, musculoskeletal manipulations, forecasting, acupressure, case reports


Background: Aquatic exercises (AE) have gained increased popularity and are widely used to treat specific and non-specific low back pain. The Kotsuban Tyousei (KT) method, which means "pelvic adjustment", proposes passive mobilization of body segments to restore or maintain pain-free move- ment in the musculoskeletal system and reduce disability. Objective: This study aimed to assess physical function through Simulation Modeling Analysis (SMA) time series approach in indi- viduals diagnosed with lumbar disc herniation (LDH). Methods: Two participants with LDH were selected and underwent combined AE and KT treatment for 16 sessions (eight sessions of each treat- ment), over the course of eight weeks. Physical function was assessed using the Roland Morris Dis- ability Questionnaire (RMDQ). Pre and during/post-intervention measurements of the RMDQ were analyzed by SMA (autocorrelation, r and significance) and the Minimum Clinically Important Difference (MCID) was reported. Results: Participant 1 exhibited improvements in pain in func- tional tests. The SMA results were autocorrelation = 0.58, r = - 0.69, P = 0.07. The MCID was not reached, however a 46.5 % RMDQ improvement (4.1 points) was found, exceeding the minimum amount of change that can be considered important. Participant 2 presented improvements in com- munity ambulation and lower limb muscle strength. For SMA the results were autocorrelation = 0.19, r = - 0.29, P = 0.28. An 18 % RMDQ improvement (2.6 points) were reported, and at the end of the treatment, the patient did not report LBP or irradiation in the posterior region of the left thigh. Conclusion: After 16 sessions of aquatic and on land exercises, two individuals diagnosed with disc a herniation did not achieved the prediction model of physical function time series analysis, how- ever, participant 1 exhibited a significant difference in MCID.


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How to Cite

B. Oda, S., Obara, K., H. Santos, E., R. Munaro, G., G. Marcato, R., G. Miranda, C., … R. Cardoso, J. (2024). Is it possible to predict the physical function of lumbar disc herniation after aquatic exercises and Kotsuban Tyousei? Functionality prediction in disc herniation. Manual Therapy, Posturology & Rehabilitation Journal, 22.



Case reports